The Holy Spirit At Work

So these photos have absolutely nothing to do with this post, but I wanted to put them up. They are from Anna’s last gymnastics practice. Last week while Anna was finishing up her Bible lesson for school, I walked in and found her wiping tears from her eyes as Mrs. Bere and the class sang one of the songs they have been learning. Anna looked at me and said, “I am crying because this song just brings tears to my eyes.” She told me she really liked this song and that it was about Jesus and that was why she liked it. I don’t know the name of the song or all the words, but it is sung in a very happy tune, so I was surprised it made her cry. I began thinking about the words, though. It talks about how Jesus on the Cross of Calvary set us free. It mentions how Jesus dwells in our hearts (if we have received his free gift of salvation), and though we often grieve Him, He will never go away. I knew in that instant that the Holy Spirit was working in Anna’s heart. She was so touched by that song, and I was so grateful that God was working in her life. I am also so thankful that we can start our day with God’s truth, the Bible. And again, I was reminded how very fortunate I am to be able to homeschool right now. My sister Kelli put this on facebook, and it struck a chord with me, “What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” I often think about this when I homeschool. So I instantly thanked God in my heart as I left Anna’s room. I love that beyond math facts they are learning things that really matter in life and things that will shape their character and have eternal value. I love it!

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