
Tonight was Anna’s third night at gymnastics, and she has LOVED it! I noticed a big improvement tonight as she was able to accomplish her backbend (if that is the accurate term) all by herself. And I can’t say enough about how much I love her gymnastics coach, Ms. Dawn. She is fantastic with all the children, and she really has them working the whole hour. I love how fast-paced the evening goes with all of the children rotating from one station to the next. Cody says he wants to join now, so we may sign him up after basketball. His friend Michael goes there as well. I thought I would also put a photo up of little Miss Abigail who joined Anna and me tonight at gymnastics. She is in bed for the evening, but Shawn just informed me he peeked in her room and caught her standing up in her crib (pulled herself up) for the first time ever. I think all of this gymnastic watching has influenced Abigail! Ha!

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