Snow Day

We had our first “big” snow yesterday for the season. Cody and Anna played for long periods out in the snow with their friends from the neighborhood. When Cody and his friend Michael saw each other outside they screamed each other’s names in a long drawn-out fashion and ran and hugged each other!…It was clearly a treat and something to celebrate with a friend. Dylan ventured out in the cold as well. He could barely get off the steps of our deck, he was bundled up so much! When he did finally make it down the stairs, he would turn back frequently and put one hand up as if to wave goodbye on his daring adventure. Shawn, who was working from home, stood at the door with me laughing! Dylan looked like a little astronaut as much as he was suited up, and his walk mimicked a walk on the moon! His friend Matthew (Matty) saw him and embraced him as well. They looked so cute! And that pretty much concludes Dylan’s adventure as he came home shortly after. Ha! He was happy to receive some hot chocolate topped with marshmallows. I took a few photos from my kitchen door. Enjoy!
P.S. Abigail enjoyed her first snow from the window…ahh, the comforts of a warm home!

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