Okay…Let Go

Today I was overjoyed! It was one of those days as a mom that you just treasure. The morning started off with Cody losing one of his teeth which just thrilled him! Then I walked by Anna as she was busy with her schoolwork, and she says to me, “Mom, I want to be baptized now.”! I was soooo happy for her. She told me that Mrs. Bere has been talking about baptism and how important it is. She told me how John the Baptist baptized Jesus, and she said, “And it’s not about getting saved.” I was so happy for her understanding and decision to tell everyone she has accepted Christ. She gets a little timid around water, so this takes a lot of courage for her! It was beautiful weather this morning, so I took Cody out to practice riding his bike without training wheels. He has been a little nervous about it in the past, and we have taken it slowly. A few months ago Shawn took him out to practice along the walking trail. Shawn said he thought a couple more times of practicing it and he would have it figured out. Today I determined to take Cody out, and he insisted that he would practice, but he wouldn’t ride anymore after that. He announced how much he prefers to run. Ha! As we practiced, I noticed a penny lying on the curb. I pointed it out to Cody and told him it must be his lucky day! He picked it up, and we recited the poem, “Find a penny. Pick it up. Then you’ll have good luck all day.” I asked him if he thought he could ride his bike now, and he thought maybe. (Smile) I told him to tell me when to let go, and after he was positioned just so and at a comfortable speed, he hopefully said the words, “Okay, Mom, let go…” And sure enough, HE DID IT! We celebrated with ice cream tonight all the good things from our day. Anna made me a picture to hang around my neck, and I think it is the sweetest thing. She wrote, “I love my mom because she is lovefol (loveful).” I LOVE these moments together.

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