Follow Doctor’s Orders

I remember feeling exasperated around the time of our vacation. Why? Dylan was showing no sign of being fully potty trained. Don’t get me wrong…for MONTHS he would go EVERY time I took him. That was a cinch. But you can’t throw a boy in underwear when he doesn’t seem to have good bladder control. Or can you??? I got desparate several weeks before Thanksgiving and gave it a try. Shawn said I would be punishing myself. Ha! Well, just like he wet his diaper, he also wet his underwear. I tried it for several mornings, thinking he would figure it out, but no such luck. My mom mentioned that maybe he had some kind of infection. I was desperate, so I told Dylan sweetly to stay very quietly while I called Dr. Mueller. He said, “No. Doctor hurt me.” I think he must have thought we were scheduling a shot instead of getting medical advice because “miraculously” he was instantly potty trained! The little guy knew what to do all along! Shawn joked, “I don’t think he is going to be a self-motivator!” Anyways, I am so proud of my little man.
Here are a few photos from the last day of Grant’s Farm this year. Enjoy! The goats were frisky that day. While I was taking some pictures of the kids feeding the goats, one of the goats was taking Abigail’s socks off her little feet. I was completely unaware. Abigail didn’t seem to mind the licked toes, though. Oh, my!

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