Six Months

I took Abigail to her six month check-up at the doctor this week. Here are her developments ~ She weighs 16 pounds 2 ounces and is in the 43rd percentile. She is now 26 inches and in the 47th percentile for her length. Her head circumference is 41.5 cm which puts her in the 16th percentile. Abby eats sooo well. She eats stage 2 baby food right now and will eat pretty much anything we have offered. She seems to favor her veggies over fruit, though. She is in size 3 diapers and has almost mastered sitting up on her own. She is a tad wobbly still. She sleeps very well and is a very content, happy little baby girl. She has started having a little bit of stranger anxiety. This is new as of this week. Hopefully, this will pass soon. Anna invited a friend to Awana’s the other night, and Abigail cried the entire time Anna’s friend was in the car with us. She began jabbering away happily when Lauren was not traveling with us. What a funny little baby! One week ago today (December 2) Abby began making sounds like “Dadda.” I asked her later if she could say that. She studied my lips and repeated me! A little while later as she was going to bed Shawn asked her if she could tell Mommy goodnight. She copied Shawn by waving to me. Wow, double whammy! I didn’t even know she had the mental understanding to do these things now. Sloooow down, baby girl!

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