Street Performance

Every night at Clearwater Beach they had street performers and vendors set up around sunset. The street performers we watched the one night were fantastic! It was a father and son. The father did a lot of comedy. He was HILARIOUS! He also juggled and used participants from the audience. His son showed us his amazing escape artist abilities. There were acrobats there after their show, but they weren’t nearly as entertaining. The kids played in the sand there at Clearwater. It was just perfect, nice and sugary. Dylan would bury his head in it, seriously. He usually was seen sporting a sandy forehead while we were there. I posted some photos of Pier 60 also which was right near the beach. The kids loved playing on their sandy playground. We stopped there several times to burn off some energy. That night Cody, Anna, and Dylan hid a pirate coin under their pillow that a man dressed in pirate garb gave them. He told them if they did that they would have good luck the next day. Cody was convinced his coin worked because he found something in his short’s pocket that he thought he had lost while playing on the beach. He checked his pockets earlier, and, apparently, it wasn’t there, according to him. I’d say that was some pretty good luck!

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