One Month Old

Abigail, today you turned one month old! Here are some things about you now….You are wearing a size one diaper and eat about 2-3 hours. You have decided now that you like your pacifiers, and we no longer need to walk you in the night. You like to snuggle up with Daddy and me and your pacifier and fall asleep pretty quickly after a middle of the night feeding. You have gone 5 hour stretches in the night lately, but you still do occasionally wake up after 2 or 3 hours ready to be fed again, and I don’t mind. Your eyes are still blue, and you like looking into ours now when we are close enough for you to see us. Anna says it’s okay that you stare at us (even though it’s not polite to stare) because you are just a baby and don’t understand manners yet. (Smile) You are beginning to hold on to my fingers, my shirt, Anna’s hair. You cooed for the first time the other day and are smiling now. Tonight was the first night we could tell you actually smiled in response to us. Your smile is the most beautiful sight! We love you sweet girl! Dylan smothers you in kisses. Cody told me the other day, “I am so happy that we get a new baby!” Anna cares for you like you are her own. Today we sang a song about sisters. We love you SO MUCH!

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