Five Years Old

This little girl turned 5 years old this week. We did a little celebrating on Wednesday, but the bigger celebration is tomorrow. She requested cinnamon coffee cake for her birthday breakfast two days ago, and she opened the presents sent to her from Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Wade and Aunt Kelli. She LOVED them she kept telling me over and over again! We took cupcakes to choir to share with her friends. She was surprised when Nanna and Pap and the girls had balloons delivered to her that afternoon. She squealed with delight, and the delivery man couldn’t have been more adorable. He was an elderly man who took time to ask about her birthday, how old she was turning and talked about his grandchildren as well. He lingered for awhile just to soak in Anna’s happiness. I could tell he really enjoyed bringing smiles to people’s day.

Anna has never really experienced any of those terrible twos predictions people talk about. We thought maybe we would see it at the ages of 3 or 4, but nope! She has gone from calm and sweet to absolutely joyful and loving. She actually came up to me yesterday and told me, “Mommy, I think really hard about trying to be good. I just think and think and think about how I should be good. I think about it all the time, and then I just try to be good and be nice.” And I believe she probably does think about it and makes a conscious effort. There is a little girl in the neighborhood who sometimes gets picked on by one of the neighborhood boys. I have watched as Anna reaches out and helps be a friend to her in those times. I am so proud of the little girl Anna is growing into. I told Shawn several months ago that if I was a little girl I would totally pick Anna as my friend, totally. She is just the kind of friend anyone would want to have. I am so proud of who she is and excited to see what God has in store for her life. Happy birthday, Anna!

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