Cody’s Baptism

For months now Cody has been asking Shawn and me if he could be baptized. He was so excited and persistent about wanting to do this that why would we hold him back? The church gave him a children’s book about baptism and other topics. We went through it in a little over a month. We met with the children’s director, and this past Sunday February 20th Pastor Ingle baptized Cody. It was such a special moment to me. I didn’t realize I would be choking back tears before he even made it into the baptistry. He was so calm and confident as he told the whole congregation that he asked Jesus to be his Savior. He was so happy afterwards and told us so. Before he got baptized on Sunday I wondered if we should have waited until he was a little older to get baptized. He was so excited…I don’t know why I thought maybe he should have more of a “serious reverence.” I began to pray about it, and instantly God spoke, “Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

I am so proud of your decision, Cody!

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