
Anna is always drawing pictures of people these days. Shawn is usually depicted with short hair right on the top of his head. I am drawn with long, straight hair, Anna’s signature look for all women in general usually. I figured I should save her drawings from yesterday to remember her artwork at this age. Shawn’s photo had DADDY written on it, but when I looked on mine it had a bunch of A’s and little t’s lined up at the top like At At At At. I almost threw it away to wait for another picture where she wrote MOMMY on it. I knew she typically wrote my name, so I decided to ask her what she wrote this time. She told me, “I wrote pluses.” “Oh,” I said…”Like on Cody’s schoolwork when I give him an A+ on his papers. You’ve been watching!” She responded, “Yes, I put an A+ on your paper because you’re the bestest mommy!” I am so glad I didn’t toss that paper out now, means so much to me!

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