Birthday Princess

Anna turned 4 years old last month. She was in denial for a little while, I guess not quite ready to grow a year older. We had a Princess cake to celebrate at our home and then Nana made her a beautiful butterfly cake over Easter when we went to visit. Anna loves beautiful, fancy dresses right now. She likes the ones that give a great big twirl when she spins, and the ones she says make her a princess when she wears them. She has some imaginary friends she talks about often. Their names are Boo-Boo, Gaa-Gaa, Dora, and Burp. They are so much a part of her story-telling I couldn’t possibly leave them out. I am not exactly sure how she came up with their names! Anna is quiet in new situations. She begins to twirl her hair now when feeling a bit shy. It is so cute. Her first day at soccer practice I had never seen her twirl so much! Anna is still extremely giving. She will share pretty much anything with you. I have to fight telling her “no” when she is on a giving spree. I am afraid she will let other children talk her into giving away her things, and she will happily oblige. She teaches me to be selfless for sure. Anna loves to go places, and is our social butterfly. She just likes getting out, being around people, and sharing quality time together. She is growing taller now and recently has been able to reach the light switches on her own. That growth spurt literally happened in an almost two week time period. My, how fast she is growing! She amazes me so much.

In the car today, Anna, you told me you loved me something like “two thousand, two, twenty-nine hundred, five hundred sixty-five, a thousand, 10!”……I love you, too……That much and SO MUCH more! Happy Birthday, Princess!

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