Fire Station

We went on a field trip to the fire station the other day. We had such a good time. Everyone at the station was so friendly and did such an amazing job telling the children about their work and their life as a firefighter. The tour was excellent. I loved hearing the children answer questions and ask some of their own. Cody and Anna were very curious as to whether they had a dog at the firehouse. They believe (from story books) that all fire stations must have a spotted dalmation of their own. Cody made the workers a beautiful picture he had drawn of a fire truck and wrote “thank you” on the card and signed it. Anna gave them some scrumptious Chex Mix we had made the night before. Cody was pumped about getting to sit and walk throught their truck. Anna kept talking about the big scissors they own (a.k.a. jaws of life). When Cody saw all the hoses in the back of their vehicle (some were quite large) he kept saying, “Oh, man! Oh, man!” I think all the kids were quite impressed. I left grateful for such a nice outing and being able to share the morning with good friends.

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