And She Pondered Them In Her Heart

Do you ever wonder if you have ever met with, spoken with, looked into the eyes of an angel? Not to sound too crazy, but maybe they are just ordinary people used by God to deliver a message, a blessing? I feel a little silly myself writing this, but at the same time I don’t want to dismiss it either. When Cody was a young baby I was out somewhere shopping. A woman stopped what she was doing and began intently saying a prayer over Cody for God to bless him. It was so strange how she abruptly stopped everything she was doing to say these words over him. It was definitely out of my comfort zone how intently and fervently she prayed this over a complete stranger. To look at her, she was obviously from a different culture, so I assumed that was something they just did in their country, right?? But I remembered walking away thinking, “Wow! That was the most incredible and thoughtful thing that she would so earnestly and intently pray for my son! She genuinely prayed as if she actually cared for him!” Not even people I know have just come up and out of the blue began praying out loud for him like that! Not long ago, after Dylan was born someone else came up and wished blessings on Dylan. I dismissed this somewhat thinking it was just a thoughtful gesture on her part…but still very nice. But NOW I begin to wonder. New Year’s Eve, I was at the store buying some party foods and sparkling grape juice for our small celebration that night as a family. It seemed others were stocking up as well for the festivities, and when I went to checkout I remember glancing at every aisle to see which would be the fastest lane to choose. Everybody’s cart seemed full. I looked at the express lane (20 items or fewer), and I began counting my groceries. Just a little too many, so I got in line. We actually got to the cashier pretty quickly, and Cody and Anna immediately exited to the right to check out the sticker/ tattoo machine at the front. Anyways, as I headed out to leave I called for Cody and Anna , and they began to follow along but then ran up ahead a little ways to see some new sleds on display. I abruptly stopped, realizing I had left some recipe cards in the front seat of our nice sporty race car shopping cart. As soon as I did this I noticed a man who was closely following from behind stop abruptly as well when he realized he was about to pass me by. He took maybe two steps back, and this may sound hokey, but he had the most intriguing eyes. They sort of sparkled, danced. They had the most friendly, joyful expression in them. He was dressed nicely, an older gentleman. I remember him wearing a long, black, wool coat. I thought from his whole appearance and demeanor that I had gone back in time. The movies It’s A Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street popped into my head. He stopped so suddenly and approached me as if on a mission. I peered up at him as I raised up from retrieving my cards from the seat of the cart. Smiling the whole while at me, he looked intently into my eyes and said, “BLESS YOUR FAMILY.” I wish you could have heard it. He said it so emphatically, so purposefully. He gazed at me as if I was the only one in the store at that moment. I responded with a polite “Thank You.” Afterwards, he greeted Dylan first and then Anna and Cody, and then he went on. It was very surreal. Where did he come from? Why did he put on his brakes so suddenly to speak with ME? It was definitely clear that he really wanted to tell me this. My children hadn’t even been with me in line or even much on our way out…It wasn’t like they had just done something cute for them to be noticed. He could have walked on by…Boy, did he put on those brakes! So where did he come from? I hadn’t seen him anywhere around us. Shawn asked me later if he had a cart. I hadn’t thought of that before…no! Why was he coming from the busiest lanes with no cart? I couldn’t stop thinking about that man that day. Even the next day, New Year’s. It was so odd how he singled me out. So odd how he approached me so purposefully with those same words I heard when Cody was just a babe. And here I sit thinking of him now.

My sister Tracy told me the next day one of her favorite passages in the Bible. I think of this whenever I begin to question dismissing whether God’s hand was in these odd occurences~”But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” ~Luke 2:19

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