A Girl’s Nature

Shawn teases me often about the fact that I very frequently choose to share his snack or drink instead of getting my own whether we’re watching a movie or just sitting and talking. I am not quite sure why I do this, but I am convinced it is something many women and their husbands deal/cope with on a regular basis as I have met other couples who tell the same story. I believe it is in a girl’s nature to do this. I think it may even be a secret pet peeve of Shawn’s. Okay, so maybe not so secret! Anyways, Anna proved my theory to be true as we pulled up to the drive-thru at Arby’s the other evening. Cody, Anna, and I had already eaten dinner, so we were stopping there to let Shawn grab a bite to eat. In line, though, Cody asked if he could order a drink, so Shawn then turned and asked Anna if she wanted a drink also……Her response, “No, Daddy. I’ll just have some of yours.”!

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