That’s Gonna Leave A Mark…..Or Not

Last week at breakfast Cody sat frozen in his chair with a look of panic on his face. He had bit his cheek while eating and was afraid he now had a hole in his mouth like Grandpa. Let me explain. While my dad was here during Dylan’s birth he showed Cody and Anna a hole in his tongue from an injury that occured during his infant/toddler years. Apparently, it left quite an impression on Cody because even as Cody was throwing his napkin away in the trash can a few minutes later, he fought tears. He followed me into the laundry room saying, “I don’t want a hole in my mouth like Grandpa got,” all the while oblivious to the fact he was spilling his cup of milk onto the laundry room floor as a result of his state of panic. I reassured him that Grandpa’s accident was much worse, and there was no way he would end up with a hole in his mouth due to a minor bite like that. He then felt MUCH better. Funny how fascinating Grandpa’s story was until he thought it might happen to him! (smile)

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