Christmas Giving

I got teary-eyed last night as Cody did something so precious and kind that it literally tugged at my heart. You see, several months before Christmas Cody had received a Shining Star dog from Grandma and Grandpa after he got out of the hospital. Since receiving this little puppy Cody has slept with it every night. It has been a favorite stuffed animal of his. It even travels with us on trips now; it means that much to him. Since then Cody has wanted to collect all the Shining Star stuffed animals (I think there are about 26 total). I told him we probably wouldn’t buy all of them as the total cost would be around $300. He assured me he could save his money to buy them and would visit his piggy bank on occasion to count up his money, so he could purchase them by himself. He desperately wanted these other little animal friends, and I have to admit it was kind of heart-breaking watching him adding up his dollar bills. So at Christmas yesterday Cody squealed with delight when he opened up a Shining Star dog he had his eye on. We have it all on video camera. I believe he said something about how he has wanted it since his first birthday! Seeing his eyes light up made my day! He carried both of his dogs around on Christmas and talked of how he would sleep with both of them. He couldn’t stop smiling as he held them. Then at bedtime he did something I never want to forget. As he talked of taking them both to bed with him, he looked over at Anna. Then he walked up and said to her in the sweetest voice, “Here, Anna, you can sleep with this doggy because you don’t have one.” Then he handed her his dog and looked at Shawn and me and said, “I shared mine with Anna because I have two, and she doesn’t have one yet.” As I tucked Anna into bed and began to walk away last night she held up her little dog to my face and said in her best tiny puppy dog voice, “Merry Christmas, Mommy!”……….And indeed it was.

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