Labor Day

Here are a few photos of Cody and Anna feeding the goats on the farm today. Anna giggled as she fed all the goats but especially loved playing chase with one little goat in particular who was after her bottle! She was not at all scared and laughed as she made him chase her! Cody loved the aggressive goats who would shove each other out of the way to get to the bottle. But the funniest thing to Cody was the goats who came up to us at the very end……They all had to go to the bathroom right by our feet, and Cody thought it was HILARIOUS when one goat positioned himself right by my foot to do his business. I had flip-flops on, and it came very close to hitting me; Cody thought this was hysterical! It was a fun time, and I think Anna loved being able to bring out her mommy side a bit. She loves taking her pretend bottle and feeding her babies at home, so feeding the live goats and babying them was extra special!

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