Some Wiggly Fun

This summer we were able to take Cody and Anna to a Wiggles Concert. I told Shawn when we left it felt like magic. To watch Cody and Anna’s faces light up as the characters walked on stage, and to see the wonder and awe in their eyes felt very magical to me. Even when Murray came into the audience and stood within a few feet of Cody and Anna and waved…….just priceless! Cody and Anna were thrilled! At every seat lay stickers and a paper stage to decorate. Since Cody loves stickers so much it was fun watching him hurriedly trying to place stickers on his paper stage while still making sure he didn’t miss anything from the actual performance. Cody loved all the three-stooges comedy the Wiggles did on stage and would let out a hearty laugh every time he thought they did something funny. Cody would then turn to the other children to see if they thought it was funny also. And Anna who can be very quiet in public situations stood in front of Shawn and me towards the end of the concert and shook her little hips to the music with all the Wiggles! As I watched Cody and Anna watching the Wiggles in awe I couldn’t help hear the words to a country song, “Just to see you smile, I’d do anything…..” I treasure these moments.

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