
The best days are days like today, enjoying all the simple things together that make us smile and that make us look on in wonder. I love the days when I forget about the laundry or the dishes and just play with the children, giggle, explore, and listen, truly listen. I love watching every expression on their little faces. This morning we headed out to a park for a picnic with some friends. On our way, we were delayed as we encountered a turtle struggling to get across the street. I knew it would make us run late to help the little fellow, but I so much wanted Cody and Anna to see him up close and personal. Just then my friend called me; she is a huge animal lover. When she found out there was a turtle in need she assured me that it was okay to be late for the park, this was more pressing! The excitement Cody and Anna felt when I turned the car around to go back and help this turtle was so precious. I was a hero in Cody’s eyes as he talked of this great rescue! Cody and Anna both loved seeing such a big turtle up close and getting to pet it. We made it to the park a little late, but it was so worth it. I am thankful for such a gorgeous day with my sweet boy and girl.

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