Labor Day

Cody and Anna were sick over the weekend, which made us have to cancel plans for traveling to Ohio. However, we were able to get out a little on Labor Day. We posted some pictures of Cody and Anna at the air show on Monday. With them sick and the weather being so hot, we simply pulled right into our parking spot, set up our picnic lunch of McDonald’s Happy Meals, and watched the air show from the back of our vehicle. They were completely engrossed in the show, Anna just as much as Cody. Cody exclaimed at one point, “I just love watching them!” Anna, as you can see, also feels the need to check in periodically on her belly button these days! It is completely fascinating to her. Because of her cold, you can also see in the one photo her making her sniffy face. How can one look so adorable when so sick? 🙂 As a side, we made a quick trip to the mall afterwards, and Cody totally surprised us with his dance moves! Every store we went into Cody broke into moves, in beat with the music, that I have never seen him do before! This boy totally has soul! We laughed so hard and wished we had the video camera with us! I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, though. In the past, Cody has entertained us with the song “Help Is On The Way,” from Preacher’s Wife. And, one time when I was singing something, Cody accompanied me with, “Oh, no, no!” He constantly brightens our day!

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