Floating Lanterns, 4-Wheelers, and Birthdays

A couple weekends ago we went to Arkansas.  The kids were excited to start their summer vacation with a trip to see family!  Shawn’s dad made a huge bonfire the first night, and we got to finally set off our floating lanterns that evening.  I had originally purchased them in hopes of planning a Tangled party for the kids, but it put off a lot of fire, so we thought it best to let them off in the country.  We didn’t want to find ourselves on the front page of the newspaper for setting a park or subdivision on fire in the city!  Ha!  Shawn’s mom put together a sweet birthday party for Cody and Abby while there.  I can’t believe I have a 9 year old and a two year old now!  I think one of the favorite things the kids enjoyed while there was riding the 4-wheeler.  I don’t think  they could ever get enough of that!