Never Forget

It is time for me to record some of the funny, cute, and sweet things the kids have been saying this past month because I just don’t want to forget!

~ Conversation the other night at bedtime.  Totally touched my heart. Dylan: “I love you, Mommy. You’re my best friend.  You’re my best friend too much.  You make the best food, and you’re cute.”  I hugged him, told him how much I love him, and said to him, “You just made my WHOLE day.”  His response, “I know, Mommy.  I do everyday.”  Yep, he sure does!

~ Dylan told me one day, “Mommy, I love you all the time.”  Pure sweetness!

~ While Dylan was taking a bath he must have gotten some shampoo in his eyes.  He began rubbing his eyes and said, “I think I have a wedgie in my eye.”  Anna asked him, “How can you have a wedgie in your eye?”  Dylan answered back, “I don’t know.  Something just feels uncomfortable.”

~ Anna was playing outside with her girlfriends in the dirt.  I asked what they were doing.  I figured sweet little girl things.  I was surprised when she told me they were finding slugs and sprinkling salt on them to watch them “melt.”  Oh my!

~ I love when Anna comes in while playing with friends and asks for an apple so she can play Snow White.  I also love when she comes in seeking carrots from the refrigerator to feed the bunnies.

~ I love the traps Cody sets up outside, hoping he will catch a bird for a pet.

~ At church a boy in Anna’s class told her that her daddy is handsome.  I thought that was cute.  I concur!

~ When the house creaked a little the other day, Dylan was concerned and asked, “Will it fall on us?”

~ The kids talk about how Shawn makes the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Anna loves how squishy he makes them…I just can’t seem to top him in this area. They also love that he buys them the big-sized bakery donuts for breakfast on occasion.  Cody says he wishes there was a donut as big as the earth!

~ I found a notebook of Anna’s the other day where she had scattered notes throughout it and drawings on various pages.  I loved glancing through as she drew dinosaurs and sharks and numerous other things.  Then I got to a page, and written on it, rather bluntly, was, “I so don’t like Satan.”  Then my eyes scrolled down to the bottom of the page and saw written, “I love Mom.”  I am not quite sure how flattered I should feel. I think after the first statement, the only place I could go on her love scale WAS UP!  It made me laugh!  I don’t see this going on a Hallmark card anytime soon.

~ Abigail continually can be heard throughout the day saying, “I love him.”  When we glance over her way she is always snuggled right up next to our dog Tigger.

~ Whenever Abby sneezes she says in the cutest, surprised voice, “Excuse you, Abby!”

~ While trying on clothes in the dressing room at a store the other day, I had Abigail wait outside the dressing room with Shawn.  I was unaware that the third wooden slat from the bottom of my dressing room door was missing.  Not a big deal, though, until you have a little two year old girl (Abby) sneak in, peek in, and say in the silliest voice for all to hear, “I see your tooshy!”   She said it two more times, and I could hear Shawn chuckling outside before he quietly calls her back out to him.

~ Cody had buddy day at martial arts the other day.  He knew instantly who he wanted to take…Anna!  He insisted it be Anna.  I am so glad he has that love for his sister and finds her to be so awesome and fun!

~ Abby lovingly refers to her swimsuit as her “swimsoup!”

Dylan brought me a picture he had drawn for me.  Before he walked away I told him I wanted to give him a hug.  As I was hugging him, he says, “Okay, that should be enough.”  Ha!

~ Anna went to a sleepover the other night.  She told me she was packing a card I had written to her a few months ago in her overnight bag.  She said she wanted to take it with her so she could remember me!

*These are just random photos over the past several months.  Enjoy!