Words That Bring Joy

My guys have been saying so many cute things lately.  I must stop and record the ones that I can remember…

~ Cody was playing with the toilet paper dispenser while in Arkansas a few weeks ago.  He was having fun with the spring and shooting it gently off the ground.  Dylan, Anna, and Abby sat in a circle around him, mesmerized by the awesomeness of it.  Then Dylan spoke up, “Don’t aim it at me, Cody.  I precious!”

~ On the same trip to Arkansas, Dylan says to Shawn, out of the blue, “What up, Daddy?”  I don’t have a clue when he turned punk!

~ I overheard Cody telling Anna something about me.  Anna interrupted him and said, “Why did you say, ‘My mom?’  She’s my mom too.”  Cody told her he didn’t know why he said that.   Then he started the brotherly teasing and said, “Well, maybe it’s because I lover her more than you do.”  Anna began laughing and said, “No, I lover her more!”  They went back and forth for a short bit like this and laughed the whole time.  I loved hearing Cody tease his sister.  I always thought as a child it would be fun to have a brother!

~ Tonight at dinner, Cody was telling me something.  While I was listening to him, Abby kept saying from her highchair, “Mommy, I done.  Mommy, I done.”  Over and over and over again.  I hated to interrupt Cody as he was eagerly telling me his story, so when there was a break, I looked over at Abigail and calmly said, “I know, Abby.”  She giggled while scrunching her shoulders and said to me (she knew what I was really thinking), “Calm down!  Calm down!”  She clearly knew she was being a pill!

~ Abby said to me the other day, “Mommy, you sweet.”

~ I caught Abigail hugging herself, and she says to me, “I love Grandpa’s hugs!”

~ Abigail also told me one day, “Mommy, I happy.  You happy, Mommy?  Daddy happy?”  That surprised me from a two year old little girl.  Yes, Abby, Daddy and I are very happy too!!

~ I was making dinner the other evening.  Dylan walked in and said, “Mommy, what are you making?”  I told him I was making Rustic Italian Tortellini Soup.  His response, “Smells like trouble to me!”  He actually really does like this meal…really, he does!

~ The kids were out riding bikes.  I had just put a light on Cody’s bike, and I was watching to see if I could see it light up.  Dylan rode up to me and wondered why I was so deep in thought.  He asked, “You okay, Mommy?  Mommy, you okay?”  He is my silly, spirited boy; I thought that was so sweet and thoughtful of him to take the time and check that his mommy was okay.

~ We had a babysitter the other day (our first one) so that we could go out to a Middle Eastern restaurant with some friends.  The kids LOVE the girl who came and watched them!  Anna, though, told me in the morning she cried some tears in bed that night, wishing we were there.  She has gone to sleepovers and done perfectly fine.  Maybe the fact that it was our house and our routine that was changed that made it more difficult.  Maybe it was that Abby struggled a little at bedtime.  Whatever it was, I was glad to get home to them too and peaked in on them, in their rooms asleep, when I got home.

I know there are so many more things they have said, but tonight my head is in a fog.  Here are some photos from recent days.  Abby is beginning to wear a ponytail now.  Cody has gotten into face painting.  Dylan is getting braver at swimming, or gliding, as he calls it!  Anna is a fearless bike rider and constantly wants to ride.  Abigail is pretty much potty-trained and wears a diaper only at naps and bedtime.  We went to the pool the other day, and she told me she had to “go stinky.”  We got out of the pool in time and ended our swim day on a much more positive note than you might remember from about a month ago, which is a good thing because Shawn said ten families would have had to have been kicked out of the pool if Abigail hadn’t told us what she needed to do.  Thank you, Abby!  You are such a big girl!!

And I saw this written the other day, and I just liked it, “Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you.  Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.”  Good saying for my children AND me.