Letters to Heaven

Last Sunday on our drive home from church Cody told me from the backseat that he was writing two letters.  He never told me who they were to.  When we got home, he asked me if I would like to hear his letters.  I wasn’t expecting to find that the one letter was written to Nanny who went home to Heaven last month and the other letter to God.  I do not think I have ever read a note that has touched my heart like these did.  I absolutely love the hearts of children!  I have posted a photo of his notes as a keepsake in case they ever get lost.  Anna asked me on the same ride home, “Mommy, I know that God can hear me, but can other people in Heaven hear me too…like Nanny?”  I told her that I wasn’t sure, but when I was a little girl and my grandmother went to Heaven I used to pray to God every night and ask Him to deliver messages to my Grandma Davis.  I would tell her that I love her or tell her something special from my day.  And I told Anna that I believe God gave her my messages.  She seemed happy with that response, and then she confessed, “Good, because I did that last night in bed too…I asked God to tell Nanny that I love her.”  When we got home, Anna was looking out the window, and I could tell she had been crying.  When I asked her what was wrong the tears began to pour, and she said, “I just miss Nanny so much.”  I think we all do.  Bedtime prayers are a little different now.  Sometimes Anna will be heard sending little messages up to Nanny, and I believe she is getting every single one…And she is still VERY much a part of us.