Spiritual Birth

Last Sunday we all sat in church as Pastor Bob shared about a passion to tell others about Jesus.  Anna put the sermon into practice the next day with Dylan.  Anna was doing her schoolwork when Dylan came in and began floundering on the floor.  He was playing around, calling out to Anna to help him because he said he was dead.  Anna questioned him as to how he could be dead when he was talking.  He informed her that his arms and legs were smashed but not his head.  Confusion cleared up.  Anyways, Anna explained to him that when Nanny died she went to Heaven.  Then she told him that Daddy, Mommy, Cody, and her would go to Heaven too when we died.  Dylan told her that he would also be going to Heaven.  Anna asked him if he ever asked Jesus into his heart.  He thought he had, but she told him to come ask me.  He eventually came upstairs on his own and questioned me about it.  He told me he would like to pray and ask Jesus into his heart, and there on the kitchen floor (I was making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at the time) we sat and prayed.  He said he wanted to pray on his own, and he did.  He asked for forgiveness of his sin.  He told God he believed in Him and thanked Him for dying on the cross for Him.  He told me he wanted to follow God and live with him forever in Heaven some day.  I truly know he meant it, and I don’t believe there is any magic prayer, but this was the first time he has ever confessed this to me and shared his heart and his desire to have Jesus in his life.  He saw his need for a Savior and asked Jesus into his heart that afternoon of October 7, 2013. We later celebrated with chocolate chip angel pancakes!  I told him about how the angels were rejoicing over his decision.  Later that evening, as I was tucking Anna into bed, she showed me her journal.  She had written in it about Dylan’s salvation.  It was a special conversation between her and Dylan that prompted Dylan to seek out his need for a Savior.  I told Anna what a great thing she did sharing with him that day.  I think of I Timothy 4:12 ~ “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”  It was a special day for all of us!  Praising God for this!