Meet Me In St. Louis

Last week my sister and her two foreign exchange students stayed with us.  Leon is from Germany, and Hank is from Taiwan.  We were so excited for them to see where we live.  We got them Cardinal’s baseball caps and shirts.  Anna made them bracelets with their flags’ colors in them.  While they were here we went to the Arch and rode up to the top.  While up there someone proposed to his girlfriend.  She must have said, “Yes,” because everyone around us began applauding.  How funny for us to be there for their special moment!  We introduced Leon and Hank to Kitaro, one of our favorite restaurants where they cook the food at your table.  While there, the chefs like to entertain you and throw shrimp at you to catch in your mouth.  We feel a little like seals for a bit, but still…so fun!  We laughed so hard at the misfortune of a woman and child who simultaneously fell out of their chairs diving for a piece of shrimp!  I have to say, I have never seen that happen before, but I think Leon and Hank enjoyed the humor in it!  We also ate out at Modestos.  I ate lamb and octopus which I have never eaten before.  They were very good!  We went to the Science Center and watched an Imax movie.  We tried out Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline place.  Cody and Anna already have told me they want to go back.  We played darts and basketball, but, mostly, it was just so nice getting to know Leon and Hank better.  I joked with my mom before the boys came to America about this being so fun for Tracy, but I was so glad it wasn’t me keeping complete strangers for a year.  I mean who knows what the year would hold; would everyone mesh okay?  I have to say, I can not imagine any two boys who could be any more perfect or fun to have than these two guys! They are so enjoyable to be around and so kind and thoughtful, so funny and also mature.  I hope they are learning a lot about our country, but just the same, I love that we are learning from them.  I love that my kids got to know someone from another country and got to learn about their culture from them.  Whenever they hear something about Germany now they get sooo excited!  They are already talking about seeing Leon and Hank again.  I hope so much they enjoy their time this year in America!  I wish great things for these boys; they are fantastic!