
Sit back.  Grab a snack…This is a long one!  Here are some recent quotes from the kids:

One day I heard a loud crash from the other room.  I walked in to find our side table knocked over and little pieces of wood from the table laying around it.  I rubbed my forehead out of exhaustion.  Dylan stood there and said in a disappointed way, “Mommy, are you still happy with me?”  Wow, that went straight to my heart!  I assumed he had some involvement in the accident, but tables can be replaced.  I LOVE that sweet boy!

I was singing with the radio in the car, and Dylan shouts, “Sing it, Mom!”

I did something the other day, and Dylan tells me, “That made my little heart laugh.”  He has a way with words.

We were leaving the grocery store, and Anna says, “This is the best day ever!”  I teased her that grocery shopping qualified as the best day ever.  She sort of shrugged it off and said sincerely, “No, it’s because you’re on the earth.”  Sometimes they say the sweetest things at the most unexpected times.

Standing in church singing praise songs, and I feel a little hand slip into mine.  Cody smiles up at me and holds my hand through the rest of the song.  Oh, when does he get too big for these moments??  I’m going to miss them.

Anna has been writing a lot of sweet notes.  One reads, “I don’t wanna lose the chance to tell you what you mean to me!”  I flipped the card over, and it said, “Because you mean a lot!”

Shawn was tickling Anna, and Dylan shouts, “Don’t mess with my girlfriend!”

We had just left a restaurant, and Cody says to us from the backseat, “You know how a cow swallows his food, brings it back up to chew some more, and then swallows it back down?…Well, I think I just did like a cow!”

We were at Target the other day.  I had Dylan with me.  I was in the bra section.  Dylan excitedly announces, “Oh, so you want to buy a slingshot!??”

Abby told me in a pathetic little voice, “Oh, Mommy, I just love you so much…I just don’t want to lose you.”

Watching a television show, Cody and Anna hear the word “puberty.”  Anna asks Shawn and me what it means.  Before we had a chance to answer, Cody says all-knowingly, “Oh, I know what that means.  It means beauty.”

Anna had to write some sentences the other day as part of her discipline.  I heard her saying her hand was so tired.  When she finished, I looked at her paper.  She had written it one extra time.  I thought she mistakenly did that, but she told me she meant to.  She said her hand was in pain, but she wrote it one extra time because she wanted to see how Jesus feels when we sin.”  Not nearly the same, but I like where her heart was.

Anna reached out to a new girl at church who had never been to a church before.  This surprised Anna, and Anna approached her and asked if she would like to make an art project with her.

Cody and Anna were playing a rhyming game.  The word was ball, and Cody had run out of choices.  Then he threw out, “Y’all.”  Anna told him that wasn’t a word.  He said, “Yes, it is.  Like Aunt Elaine and Aunt Elise say…Y’ALL!”  Gotta love southern talk!

Abigail and Dylan came into my room in the morning fighting.  I told them no one wants to hear that (especially that early in the morning).  Dylan heard me out and replied in a matter-of-fact tone, “Well, somebody has to!”

I brought a blanket with me to the sofa and asked Dylan if I could sit with him and watch him play his video game.  He said, “Yes.”  Then he said, “You know what else would be sweet?  If you would share your blanket with me.”  I laughed and said, “Dylan, you’re a lot of fun!”  He responded, “And when you say fun, do you also mean cute?”

We were at the store buying pencils for Cody and Anna for school.  We told Dylan this summer he would get to go school shopping also.  He hurried to my side and whispered his concerns about being a kindergartener, “But will I be a different person?”  No, Dylan, you will still be our sweet, fun little boy, and we will still have special times together.

I asked Abby if she wanted fruit bars or pancakes for breakfast.  She said pancakes and then later said, “I changed my channel.  I actually want a fruit bar.”  What she meant was “changed my mind.”  Maybe she needs to cut back on the television!  I, actually, used that phrase (changed my mind) a few days before.  I could tell she was really processing it at the time.  I love how they experiment with new expressions.

It was raining, so we watched Cody’s martial arts from the car.  The radio was on with praise music.  I looked over and saw Abby with her eyes closed and Anna lifting the palm of Abigail’s hand upward.  Anna was teaching her how to worship!  Anna said, “What, that’s what I see some people do in church?!”