How We Roll

I wanted to share some random photos from our summer.  Some are from Cody’s martial arts picnic where some of the instructors received a pie to the face.  We also played some baseball and frisbee with friends while there.  A lot of the other ones are from the pool.  We have been going there a lot this summer; the kids never tire of it.  This post, though, is mostly a reminder to me of some of the things the kids have said that I want to remember…

Abigail, after seeing that our dog Tigger threw up his food again (this is a regular occurrence) said, “Sea lions don’t do that.  We should get one of those.”

Anna: “Mom, you make reading books to Dylan and Abigail fun when it actually isn’t!”  I guess with enough animation people can make preschool books sound exciting to big school-agers!

At the pool, an older boy was playing with Cody.  He said to Cody, “Wouldn’t it be cool if someone could just walk out across the top of this water?”  Cody said to him, “I know someone who can!”  The boy: “Who??”  Cody: “God”

This child will remain anonymous.  Ha!…”I didn’t pick my nose.  I just scratched the inside of it.”

Dylan, upon seeing me at his door to tell him goodnight, cups his hands and motions for me to come closer, and in his most pathetic sounding voice says, “Oh, come here, my poor little mama!”  He also keeps calling me “dear” for some reason.  “Thank you, my dear.”  And “Yes, my dear!”  He is a little charmer.

Notes from the kids mean a lot to me.  Anna has been leaving quite a few and attaches Shawn’s or my favorite candy to it.  She has such a big heart!

Pastor Bob talks about complimenting your children and even letting them know they are beautiful.  He said he has heard some parents say, “Well, I don’t want to give my kids a big head.”  Pastor Bob reminded the congregation that for every one compliment you give your kids, the world throws out 20 more insults, tearing them down with criticism.  Compliment your children.  So it didn’t surprise, and it totally touched my heart when Anna came home from Vacation Bible School and told me Pastor Bob saw her and talked to her.  She smiled so brightly when she told me that he said to her in his upbeat way, “Well, you look pretty today, and there’s nothing you can do about it!  You just wake up looking pretty!”

We were shopping at the grocery store on July 3rd, and it was crowded with all the people getting ready to celebrate Independence Day.  The kids broke out into song and silliness in one of the aisles.  They sang their Vacation Bible School song.  It has sort of a Jamaican sound.   “More, more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!  More, more, more than just a good man…”  It goes on to say how Jesus made the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, etc.  A woman approached me and said with a big smile, “Your children are such a delight!”  I told myself then that when I am older I want to remember to encourage other parents in a crowded grocery store.  There is power in your words.

Abby was making up her own song one day.  The words kept getting sillier, and she started giggling through it.  Then I hear her say, “I just can’t control my song!”