Just Peachy

Saturday we picked blackberries and peaches at Eckert’s.  We tried going last week, but the roads were flooded, and the ferry was not open.  We went early to beat the heat, but we were all pretty hot by the time we left.  Even with the heat, the kids said they would never be ready to leave when we asked them.  They enjoyed seeing who could find the biggest blackberry.  We ate lunch afterwards at the Loading Dock, a new to us restaurant that overlooks the lake.  On the way there, we rescued a snapping turtle by moving him to the side of the road.  He hid in his shell, so we tried to get him to come out but with no avail.  On the beautiful drive home, we saw a field with wild turkeys.  Cody went out to chase after them.  He found some baby frogs hopping happily all around his feet out there.  Anna and he had fun scooping them up for Dylan and Abby to see.   Cody wanted to keep one so badly.    It was such a peaceful day taking in all of God’s amazing creation.