Swim Party

My friend Julie hosted a back to school swim party at her house.  The kids had a great time!  Dylan kept wanting me to carry him into the pool which is so not like him.  I didn’t understand until he pointed out some discoloration on the pool steps.  That kid, the entire time there, hoisted himself over the wall of the pool every time before he would dare touch the “dirty” steps.  He struggled through it at times, but that was what he chose.  This seems so funny to me because that doesn’t seem to fit his personality, but I learn more and more about Dylan everyday.  Cody, after arriving, thought he needed to wear his shirt into the pool because all the other boys had swim shirts on.  We go to our subdivision pool all the time, and this has never been a concern.  These are true struggles kids face, probably even adults too if we were honest with ourselves.  He soon dove in, and I imagine he was grateful when his friend Noble arrived without a swim shirt.  Abby is a little fish in water.  Although, maybe I should say an alligator because she will roll and twist herself across the whole entire pool, looking much like an alligator with its prey.  Dylan has now learned to swim short distances without a life jacket.  He is so excited to show off his newly developed skill! Cody and Anna especially loved the diving board.  Each of the children took turns diving, and one of the kids would judge them and announce who had the best score.  It was fun until little Leah tried to end the swim day with her most impressive dive/flip.  She didn’t look where she was going and hit her head on the diving board.  She landed on the diving board, though, never making it into the pool.  She handled it calmly, but I learned the next day she received a concussion.  These were some of the memories made that day.  It is all part of our little story.