Exploring Indian Camp Creek

We went last week to Indian Camp Creek for a field trip with friends.  It was so much fun!  We took a group photo as soon as we arrived, but we had eight more boys and one more girl join us a few minutes later.  There was no way we were going to round all the children back up for another group photo after they had already set off exploring; they were having too much fun!  They found a lot that afternoon, crawdads and tadpoles galore!  I don’t know why, but there is something about a creek and my children that makes me all sentimental, and I end up snapping like a million photos!  There has not been enough distance from this sweet memory yet for me to pick and choose my favorites because, as of right now, they are all my favorites.  So please excuse this photo-crazed monster that was unleashed in me that day and enjoy some fun pictures exploring the creek!