City Garden Waterfall

A few weeks ago we picked up our dog Tigger from the kennel and walked him around the City Garden.  The cascading waterfall that wasn’t turned on last time we were there was finally running.  The kids got excited and went running off to play in it.  Shawn called them back.  He looked at the filth at the bottom of the pool and became convinced that it had probably been used as a restroom by the homeless.  Since it circulates also through the waterfall he was hesitant to let the kids play in it.  Anyways, the kids still went out and played with caution.  However, Cody did get some water on his hand, and since he is my germ cautious child, he practically went into a state of mourning for his hand!  We laughed about it later.  Another random note…As we were leaving a man at St. Louis Bread Company asked us what our favorite bagel was when I stopped in to take Abigail to the bathroom.  Shawn told him the cinnamon crunch.  The man went and got us a big free bag of them.  So sweet of him. Breakfasts were scrumptious that week!