Powell Symphony

A friend invited us to Powell Symphony to hear the Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo Education Concert.  My immediate thought went to Dylan and Abigail.  Could they sit through a symphony?  I had flashbacks of my 6th grade class going to a symphony.  All I remember about that trip is several of the students being ornery and spankings being handed out to those certain individuals when we got back.  Oy!  I am pleased to say that we went, we listened, we sat maturely in our seats, and we left with our heads held high!  We did have a couple hiccups from the event, though. Like when the bench Abby and Dylan had been sitting on slid out from under them.  Or when Abby’s chair decided to fold up while she was in it.  The problems of not weighing much!  It was a good morning, overall, and happy chatter filled the car on the ride home, and that is the best music of all to this momma’s ears.

On a side note:  We spotted a few St. Louis birthday cakes as we were leaving and stopped to get a couple photos…in case you were wondering about those random photos tossed in to this post.