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We spent our first morning visiting two of Puerto Rico’s castles, San Felipe Del Morro and San Cristobal.  We went back later in the …

Greetings From Puerto Rico

We just got back earlier this week from an incredible trip to Puerto Rico!  This was the view from our balcony.  Now, …

We’re Going on a Butterfly Hunt

We went with friends to tag butterflies.  My kids trekked through the “fuzzy” flowers as Abigail called them to catch and tag nine …

I Wasn’t Born in a Barn

“The path to my heart is paved with hoofprints.” I found out Anna had been wishing for a horse on her birthday …

You Can Say That Again

Just a few cute quotes from the kids: ~Abigail was insisting that I eat some of her awesome chocolate the other night.  …

A Lesson in Toothpaste

I recently read about a mom who compared our words and tongue to a tube of toothpaste.  I thought it was such …

Nelson Atkins Museum

Exploring the Nelson Atkins Museum.   The glass maze was fun.  Abigail only bumped into two walls!

Sunflower Field

Now I see why Kansas is called the Sunflower State!  We took a trip to Grinter Farms this weekend to view their …


When Cody broke his wrist at the beginning of summer, he was unable to swim at Wapelhorst with our church.  I promised …