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Getting The Point Across

Anna has been corrected in the past for telling Cody things he can and can not do, simple things like needing to …

Is That Enough?

This is what Anna has been asking for the past several months now and asks me it almost on a daily basis. …

My Trip To The Dentist

Today, Cody, was your first dental checkup. You did fantastic and were so brave. Even the dentist commented on how brave you …

Soccer Practice

Tonight was Cody’s first soccer practice, and he absolutely loved it! The coach was enthusiastic and did such an amazing job coaching …

Labor Day

Here are a few photos of Cody and Anna feeding the goats on the farm today. Anna giggled as she fed all …

An Almost Perfect Day

Today was so relaxing. We started off going to the library to get books and videos. The library is a favorite place …

Colorful Lips

I was making dinner and turned around to find Anna had gotten into my makeup bag. Take a look at those cute …

Goodbye, Sweet Dreams

Cody woke up the other night having some pretty bad pain in his tummy. I stayed up with him for 4 hours …