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Sprinkler Fun

Our sprinkler system is finally installed, and we are all enjoying it this summer…….ALL of us!

Photo Shoot

Yay! We finally have internet connection after going almost a week without it. I have quite a few posts I want to …

Question Of The Day

Anna awoke this morning and asked me first thing where her daddy was. I told her he already went into work. Her …


The best days are days like today, enjoying all the simple things together that make us smile and that make us look …

Happy Birthday, Cody

Today Cody turned 4 years old! It seems hard for me to believe! How fast these past years have gone!

Happy Birthday, Cody

Today Cody turned 4 years old! It seems hard for me to believe! How fast these past years have gone! I wanted …

My Mother’s Day Surprise

This weekend I had a wonderful time spending Mother’s Day with Cody and Anna. I went out with some friends Friday night, …

Singing My Song

Anna has recently claimed the alphabet song. Sometimes when Cody tries to join in with her to sing she tells him “No, …

Busy, Busy Girl

Anna has entered the two year old phase running! She is so active and busy these days! Today was a particularly energetic …

I Need You

At bedtime the other night, Anna snuggled her little head right up next to Shawn’s head. She began to take her tiny …