10 Months

Dylan turned 10 months old on Sunday. During church I was teaching the 2 year old class about the angels announcing the birth of baby Jesus. We did a fun baby game to get started, and I thought about bringing baby Dylan in with me to make it more realistic when it hit me…he is not such a baby anymore.

Not long before Thanksgiving he started acting more like a toddler than a tiny, helpless babe. Before Thanksgiving I could have said his favorite food was baby squash, the kind in the Gerber jars. Now, he only seems to want the table foods that Daddy and I are eating. He took his first bottle the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Before then, he would cry and cry when I tried weaning him. Truthfully, inside I felt like crying a bit myself. I was afraid I was going to have to get him good and hungry before he would give in and try the bottle. Fortunately for both of us, he happily decided one day he was a big guy and ready to move on. He continues to gain confidence everyday. He ventures off and and sneaks away as he tries to climb our stairs by himself. Boy, do we need our stairs fixed SOON, so we can gate our little wiggle worm in! He is so active right now! I love it.

Some fun little facts:
Dylan holds my hair right now when I pick him up or when he is drifitng off to sleep in my arms.
Dylan also sniffs and squints his eyes now I think just to be silly. The cutest thing!

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