I thought I would share how social Cody has gotten with people, adults and children, over the past year. He amazes us with the confidence and friendliness he displays toward individuals. As a young toddler he had more of a quiet nature around those he did not know well. It is amazing just seeing how he has changed over the past year or so. Tonight while entering the church building Cody noticed his shoe was untied, so he sat down and asked us to tie it for him. While getting his shoe tied he noticed an elderly woman standing alone, so he says joyfully, “Hi! I’m Cody Michael!” The lady acknowledged him as well, and Cody continued happily, “I am three years old!” Just then the lady’s husband came out of a room and began chatting with Cody. We have really admired some of the older men within our church. They make it a point, almost every Sunday, to come up and speak with Cody. It means a great deal to him, and there is just something special for Cody to have that respect toward these older gentlemen. Cody loves talking to others wherever we go. Getting Christmas pictures taken the other day he played with a child several years older than him while waiting for his turn. The age difference didn’t seem to matter. He was able to relate well with this boy and could carry on quite a conversation! While leaving the bank the other day, he told the lady behind the customer service counter, “It was nice seeing you too!” It got quite a few smiles from the people at the bank as it almost gave the impression he had just completed a business transaction as we watched him walk away from her desk! Three years old is such a fun age! I love watching the growing and maturing process……..A wonderful time!
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