Yesterday as I was rocking Anna at naptime Cody came into the room and asked me cheerfully if I would not lay with him at the beginning of his nap or tell him goodnight this time. His little face looked so proud as he decided he was ready to do this by himself now. You see, Cody has always asked me to lay with him for just a little while before he falls asleep at naptime. I actually look forward to that one on one time with him also. However, there was no way I wanted to be one of those mothers who hold their child back for selfish reasons. SO I convincingly let Cody know I thought that was a great idea! I figured after I put Anna in bed he would let me know he had changed his mind, but to my surprise, he had put himself to bed and fallen fast asleep within that short 3-5 minute period! I realized he was growing up! So today Cody told me again he wanted to put himself to bed. But this time when I walked by his room later he was still awake. He looked so pleased with himself, and he fully believed I was quite happy with this new arrangement also, and, truthfully, I was. I went in and closed his blinds and began to walk out of his room. He said with the proudest expression on his face, “Mom, can I give you a Great, Big hug?!” That truly meant a lot to me. It is quite obvious Cody desires to grow up, as he should desire this. I am just glad I was able to encourage him in this process and see that look of pride and satisfaction on Cody’s face. He was literally beaming with delight! His smile is worth it all!
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