Here are some photos of our morning playing outside. On the bridge, Anna decided it would be great fun to throw her favorite Pooh Bear blankie over the edge straight into the water. She laughed at the wonderful fun she was having. However, when her blankie didn’t return back to her she looked at me with concern. Truth was, I was concerned myself…..How was I going to retrieve the one thing she finds so special to her? Thankfully, God gave us a little wind right then which helped send Pooh Bear back our way. I managed to get my foot down there in the water and draw it back in to us. Anna was one happy girl! I asked her why she threw him, and she told me happily that she wanted to see if he would float. (smile) When we got home Cody discovered, and so did I, that he could now button and unbutton his own shirts. He was so proud and wanted to tell Daddy. He kept saying, “I can do it! I’m big now!” Then I listened as he counted all of his birthdays up to twenty. I instantly saw images of those years flash by me as he shouted out each age. Whoa! Slow down! It left me with a very unsettled feeling inside. I know those years will come, but I am just not ready for those years yet. And I “joked” with Cody not to grow up too quickly! Let’s just savor this season of our lives for now. Tomorrow will come all too soon.
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