Dylan turned 6 months old last week. I love all the little changes in him. Below is a photo of him that I took several weeks ago doing one of his many new things…holding Shawn’s ear while sucking his thumb. It is so adorable! He is so close to sitting up by himself and has been sampling baby foods for a few weeks now. He has tried a good selection already, but, honestly, I don’t think he has liked any of them. It didn’t take him long to learn that whenever Mommy got him to smile or laugh at his high chair it was only a ploy to get a spoonful of veggies in his sweet little mouth. He quickly learned to smile fast (you could see in his eyes when he realized his mistake) and then shut his lips as tightly as possibly! Now he just keeps his tiny tongue pointed out continually during feeding to block the spoon. Dylan is beginning to get a more serious side to him lately and gives us that mildly amused look his brother used to give us at that age. He laughs at Tigger and makes me grateful for purchasing a dog for all three of them. He loves to swing outside. Loves it so much, in fact, it makes him shake with excitement at times. I imagine it makes his tummy do some somersaults…better than an amusement park! He loves to give kisses to me right now. This week Dylan made Cody’s day when he kissed Anna and him for the first time. Cody has been kissing on him for awhile now, hoping one would be returned to him. Every time Dylan did not respond Cody would get sad and ask me why Dylan would not kiss him. So three times Dylan kissed him the other evening! Cody and Anna jumped on the bed shouting, “Yay!” Dylan is funny, though, about giving too many kisses to Daddy. I think Shawn’s whiskers have gotten him one too many times. So whenever Shawn comes up to Dylan to play Dylan gets so happy that he doesn’t know what to do. He excitedly looks for me, grabs me, and plants a slobbery kiss on my cheek for Shawn! It is so funny to watch him! Tonight as I was holding Dylan and beginning to make his cereal Dylan suddenly began cracking up laughing. I looked at him surprised. His laughter was contagious and brought such a smile to my face. He would look at me, try to hold it together, and then just begin laughing again. I don’t know what he found so amusing at the time, but I had the best time sharing in his fun right then. I hugged him, hugged him so tightly and found myself saying out loud, “Thank you, God, for him. Thank you, God, for him.” I am so richly blessed.
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