I rushed around last minute trying to get ready to go out to dinner with the soccer families on Cody’s team. Shawn would be home any minute and ready to leave. It had been a full day. I stood in front of the mirror, not feeling quite pristine enough to be out and about with other adults. I glanced to my right and on my shoulder I noticed a light streak. I had been holding Dylan all day. You know babies drool quite a bit, but let’s be real…Dylan was just getting over the sniffles so that smudge across my shoulder could be anyone’s guess. Not enough time to pick out new clothes. A Shout wipe will have to do. I look in the mirror one last time. I just didn’t feel quite beautiful enough. Shawn is home now. I leave the bathroom to greet him, but instead I am greeted by Cody who says when he sees me, “Ahh! Prettty girl!” He gives me a sweet hug. I thought he was just being silly, yet a while later, he wrapped his arms around my leg and said warmly, “Oh! Pretty girl.” I was reminded of something he said several weeks ago when he climbed up onto my lap one afternoon. Anna poked her little head in front of his, blocking his visual of me. He said kindly to her, “Anna, could you please move your head. I can’t see her pretty face now.” 😉
True beauty is not found on magazine covers. True beauty goes much deeper, from one’s heart to another. I know clearly by the look in Cody’s eyes that evening that he was not just referring to outward beauty but rather expressing his fond feelings for his Mama right then. Thank you, Cody, for reminding me of what is truly important.
*Remember to check the mirror to my heart today. I want my children to see God’s beauty in me.
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