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December 2009

I Baptize You, My Brother!

Last week we received a package from our friendly “box man” as Cody and Anna call the UPS delivery man. Its contents …

I Can Read!

Almost a week ago, December 16 to be exact :), Anna surprised me by reading her first word at the age of …

Purple Tigers

Cody’s fall soccer wrapped up several months ago, but I wanted to share a couple photos taken by my dad when he …

Anna Quotes

Anna says some pretty silly things sometimes. They make me smile, yet I have neglected jotting them down lately. Here are a …

10 Months

Dylan turned 10 months old on Sunday. During church I was teaching the 2 year old class about the angels announcing the …


Three years ago, just before Thanksgiving, I drove to my doctor’s office for a routine checkup. Shawn drove from work and met …