Post Office
A few weeks ago we went on a field trip to the post office. I thought it was really very interesting to see just how much mail gets delivered and how everything is filed. Cody and Anna declared it boooring when we left, though. I guess postal work will not be in their future. I will say, letting Dylan loose in there would be like having Curious George running the mail system! I had to keep a close eye on him, or, otherwise, everyone’s mail that day would be going to China! He kept wanting to play mailman! Afterwards, the students met at a nearby park for a picnic and play time. We got caught by a funeral procession on the way there, and Cody and Anna began asking some serious questions. Then Cody spoke up confidently from the backseat, “I’m glad I’m going to Heaven and that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Music to this momma’s heart!

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