Meet Lucy

The kids got to meet their newest cousin last week, Baby Lucy as they call her.  Sheis 7 months younger than Abigail.  I am not sure Abby knew what to think of having another baby around.   She seemed to warm up to the idea the next morning before they left.  I am sure they will be great friends.  Dylan, on the other hand, LOVES babies.  I think this may be because they are a captive audience to all his love and affection.  Ha!  He loves to snuggle and loves touch.  I love how he held her hand on the couch and sat by her side constantly.  He literally cried/bawled when they had to leave.  He got it in his head he was going to Chicago with them to see Uncle Jason’s family.  Even after he took a good nap, he immediately wanted to know when he could see them again.  We will see them again next month, so he is very excited! 

And this photo of Jason surrounded by kids makes me laugh each time I see it!  He said at the time I took it something like, “This can be my picture for”  (Something like that)  Ha!

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