Mother’s Day

Today has been a wonderful Mother’s Day! I wanted to share something today that I received probably 5-6 years ago from my amazing MOPS group. I remember how challenging being a new mom felt. Partially because Cody was a very strong-willed little boy and partially because I was afraid of failing him. He would wake up every morning as a young boy just screaming…This is how he would WAKE UP. Just imagine how the rest of the day went. I literally would just pray over him. Pray that Satan wouldn’t have a hold on him. Pray that God would give him peace. Pray that I would parent right. Pray he would grow into a godly young man. This went on for several years. Shawn, like a broken record, would say, “Just be consistent. It is just a phase.” When the phase dragged on for months, I began to question Shawn. I couldn’t see into the future. I only had one piece of the puzzle. Now I look back at those years and am blown away! To see the joy Cody has and his tender heart makes my heart swell up with joy and gratitude to my Lord and Savior. And I remember the day at MOPS when all of us ladies received a bag with various items in it. And inside there was a note explaining what each item represented. Instantly, tears came to my eyes, and I knew it was just what I needed to hear that day. What an encouragement. It blessed my heart sooo much! I have saved it and pull it out on the hard days, and it still brings the tears. Hope it blesses someone else’s heart who may need it…

Mom’s Survival Kit

Starburst: for energy
Marbles: to replace the ones you lose
Toothpick: to pick out the good in all situations
Eraser: to remind you that every mom makes mistakes
Lifesavers: to save you from one of those days
Button: to remind you to button your lip (sometimes)
2 Wiggly Eyes : those extra eyes for the back of your head
Hershey’s Hugs and Kisses: for when you’ve given all yours away and you need some back
Puzzle Piece: because you are an important piece in your child’s journey through life


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