
The second day in Kansas Cty we visited their new Legoland. Cody wanted to go to the Legoland in Florida, but it opened the day we had a flight home. This was a smaller version but definitely a big hit! Cody took his camera and wanted to snap a lot of photos. He did this frequently on the trip because he said he didn’t want to forget these days. Love that about him! Legoland was pure sweetness and fun…simple and short and so creative. We went to our first 4-D movie while there. The kids (and, okay, let’s admit it, myself) were so in awe as the wind and water came right at us, and flakes of “ice chips” fell on our heads! We had to stay and watch a second movie; it was that great. We rode the ride to save the princess. Cody, Anna, and I had to ride twice because my gun wouldn’t work. However, my gun never worked the second time either. Now one might think it was the operator, but I can assure you it wasn’t! Ha! I, seriously, could never get a red laser dot to even appear. Shawn was sweet to offer the possibility that we just happened to get the same car. I am convinced this was the case! Either way, we had so much fun, and Cody finally got to see a Legoland. And, if you know anything at all about this boy, you know that was like a dream come true!

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