Birthdays And Egg Hunts

Yesterday we met some friends at the park and had a picnic lunch and egg hunt with them.  I love these simple egg hunts with friends and laid back Saturdays!  The kids had so much fun finding the eggs, and Cody was especially excited because he found the coveted big prize, an egg filled with $5.00!  We played and talked after lunch.  Everyone sang to Anna since it was also her birthday; she enjoyed passing out her cupcakes to share!

Afterwards, we went to Toys ‘R Us and spent the gift card Mom and Dad gave Anna for her birthday.  She picked out a Snoopy snow cone maker.  I think I had one as a child and have fond memories of it.  We then took Cody to his friend Matthew’s birthday party at the bowling alley.  I think Anna was glad she came with me to pick Cody up.  They got to ride one arcade game before leaving.
On a side note: I was putting Abigail’s hair up the other day, and she kept saying, “Tigger ears!”  I was putting her hair in dog ears, so I guess she just associates that with our dog…Love her!

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