Today I just wanted to remember the cute things the kids have been saying lately. The other day Shawn called to say he was coming home from work. Abigail got so excited when I told her Daddy was coming home! She said to me, “Daddy.” Then she made a kissing sound with her mouth because she doesn’t know how to say “kiss.” Then she said to me, “Daddy, hug” and stretched her arms upward and out as if demonstrating a hug. And then she says to me, “Daddy….Roar!” And she curls her fingers as if she is roaring like a bear or something going to get her! Yep, that pretty much sums up her daddy when he gets home…Kisses her, hugs her, and tickles and chases her! I laughed so hard when she told me this, and she kept telling it to me over and over again until Shawn made it home!

I know I started this blog to record the things about the kids, but I wanted to share some things that touch my heart about Shawn tonight. I love that the other day he almost sat through a green light because he was blowing kisses back and forth to Abby who was in the backseat. I love that when Dylan got a stuffed penguin from Grandma and Grandpa, Dylan took the penguin to bed with him and asked Shawn to tell it goodnight. I looked up and saw Shawn standing there petting this toy penguin, and I know I am blessed to be married to him.
Some other cute sayings this week…
Dylan got excited because we got to ride the “alligator” (escalator) at the mall this past weekend!
A lady at the grocery gave us a sample of salami at the store. We bought some, and Dylan asked after naptime if he could have some more “slimy!”
Cody asked me in the car what half of 50,000 was. I told him and asked him why he wanted to know. He said he saw a Dollar Tree store and was wondering how many things he could buy in Dollar Tree if he won the $50,000 on the game show Wipeout. I asked him why he wanted to know what half of 50,000 was, though, and he said he was trying to figure what he would have after taxes!
I found myself in a legitimate argument with a dinosaur the other day, and when I caught myself I realized how ridiculous I must have sounded to any adult who could have heard me. I was unloading the dishwasher, and Abby was trying to stand up in her highchair. I told her to stay seated and eat her food, but she tried a little bit later to stand up again. I told her to stay in her seat to which Dylan responded by asking Abby if she was done eating. This is his way of getting Abigail to try to stand up again. Sneaky, eh?! I told him she could fall and hurt herself. The next thing I hear from Dylan is, “Mommy, Dinosaur says, ‘No, Abby won’t get hurt if she falls from her chair.'” I look over and he has his large toy dinosaur and is shaking its head back and forth. And I naturally responded with, “Well, dinosaurs are extinct.”…As if dinosaurs have no grounds to speak on highcahir safety since it obvioulsy didn’t do them any good! Ha! I feel like I am in a crazy house some days, but it is all fun!
Dylan likes to tell us, “Mommy… (He drags my name out) I have a surprise for you…” This usually means Abby has done something she shouldn’t, like climb the bunkbed. Now Dylan tries to drag out telling us, so Abby can finish whatever naughty thing she is doing before we intervene. He is her partner in crime!
And on a more serious note, Anna told me during school the other day she would like to be a nurse when she grows up. And, you know, that really fits her too I think. She is compassionate and helpful and loves to take care of others. Plus, she doesn’t mind shots. I could easily see her doing this some day.
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